"London feels like the “real” life, and Cremona is the adventure." -- this idea really has me thinking about what I see or don't in my home (Oakland). I have so much passion for my space but am equals parts being displaced and pushed by the changes it is taking on. And at the end of the day Sly Stone style, "where I put my hat is my home" is an ethos I subscribe to. It is a privilege to go anywhere, to be anywhere. Thanks so much for your essay!
Thanks for your feedback along the way!! It's made me think that maybe another way to think of "home" is a place where we find comfort, our hat, and the possibility for adventure in equal measure... one to ponder!
Great piece! I really loved the way that it opened, and I could really see and feel Cremona! and "go slay some dragons" is such a great way of punctuating how it feels when you move to another country in search of home.
Also great lines
-Many other things come for free in Cremona. Existential dread, for example.
- Much like some alluring but elusive dating prospect, it is emotionally unavailable.
As someone who isn't sure where 'home' is anymore, I love this piece
"London feels like the “real” life, and Cremona is the adventure." -- this idea really has me thinking about what I see or don't in my home (Oakland). I have so much passion for my space but am equals parts being displaced and pushed by the changes it is taking on. And at the end of the day Sly Stone style, "where I put my hat is my home" is an ethos I subscribe to. It is a privilege to go anywhere, to be anywhere. Thanks so much for your essay!
Thanks for your feedback along the way!! It's made me think that maybe another way to think of "home" is a place where we find comfort, our hat, and the possibility for adventure in equal measure... one to ponder!
...love it...i wonder if all i want in the end is to be home no matter where i am...
Great piece! I really loved the way that it opened, and I could really see and feel Cremona! and "go slay some dragons" is such a great way of punctuating how it feels when you move to another country in search of home.
Also great lines
-Many other things come for free in Cremona. Existential dread, for example.
- Much like some alluring but elusive dating prospect, it is emotionally unavailable.